Sign Our Petition
The Egyptian human rights coalition on cop 27 Petition +1400 Signatures From 86 countries
Ahead of COP27, Open Civic Space and Release Everyone Arbitrarily Detained in Egypt
In the run up to the UN Climate Change Conference 2022 (COP27) taking place in Egypt’s resort town of Sharm El Sheikh from 7 to18 November 2022, the undersigned organizations, groups and individuals note with great concern the human rights situation in Egypt and in particular the government’s restrictions on the rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly, which risk to undermine a successful, inclusive and participatory climate summit.

Advancing climate justice demands an inclusive, holistic approach to environmental policy that embeds human rights and tackles systemic problems, including historically rooted social injustices, ecological destruction, abuses by businesses, corruption and impunity, and social and economic inequality. The strongest voices across the world pushing back against these systemic problems, and in favor of more meaningful and ambitious climate action, have come from civil society.
We voice our support to the call made by the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association: that the work of civil society be recognized, publicly and at the highest levels, as essential to the advancement of climate action and just transition. Moreover, we stress the importance of the right to freedom of expression and independent reporting to foster efforts to address the climate crisis.
We emphasize that effective climate action is not possible without open civic space. As host of COP27, Egypt risks compromising the success of the summit if it does not urgently address ongoing arbitrary restrictions on civil society.
We call on Egypt to ensure that civil society organizations, activists, and communities can meaningfully participate in all discussions and activities on climate and just-transition policy development and implementation at all levels of decision-making without fear of reprisals. Authorities must put in place transparent and inclusive processes to ensure that everyone, including women, Indigenous peoples and local communities, workers, youth, children, persons with disabilities, and other groups facing marginalization or discrimination, is provided with equal opportunities to effectively participate in climate decision-making.
We also call on Egypt to end the prosecutions of civil society activists and organizations and guarantee space for civil society—including human rights defenders—to work without fear of intimidation, harassment, arrest, detention, or any other form of reprisal, including by releasing of unjustly jailed human rights defenders, lifting arbitrarily travel bans and asset freezes and closing all politically-motivated cases against activists targeted for their human rights work.
Access to information is central to effective participation. To this end, we call on the Egyptian authorities to immediately end the arbitrarily blocking of websites and ensure access inside the country to the hundreds of independent media, human rights organizations and other blocked websites. We also call for the immediate release of all journalists who have been imprisoned solely for doing their job, and an end to restrictions on media and digital spheres.
We recognize that a select number of journalists, human rights defenders, and other individuals who had been arbitrarily detained were conditionally released in recent months. We urge the Egyptian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release all those held simply for peacefully exercising their human rights, implementing criteria set by local NGOs for these releases: fairness, transparency, inclusiveness, and urgency.
Preparations for COP27 are taking place against the backdrop of an ongoing and deep-rooted human rights crisis in Egypt. The Egyptian authorities have for years employed draconian laws, including laws on counter terrorism, cyber crimes, and civil society, to stifle all forms of peaceful dissent and shut down civic space. We note that, under the current government of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, thousands continue to be arbitrarily detained without a legal basis, following grossly unfair trials, or solely for peacefully exercising their human rights. Thousands are held in prolonged per-trial detention on the basis of spurious terrorism and national security accusations. Among those arbitrarily detained are dozens of journalists targeted for their media work, social media users punished for sharing critical online content, women convicted on morality-related charges for making Tik Tok videos, and members of religious minorities accused of blasphemy.
Prisoners are held in detention conditions that violate the absolute prohibition of torture and other ill-treatment, and since President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi came to power hundreds have died in custody amid reports of denial of healthcare and other abuse. Egypt remains one of the world’s top executioners, executing 107 in 2020 to 83 in 2021, with at least 356 people sentenced to death in 2021, many following grossly unfair trials including by emergency courts. The crisis of impunity has emboldened Egyptian security forces to carry out extra-judicial executions and other unlawful killing, enforced disappearances and torture with no fear of consequences.
The Egyptian authorities must take meaningful steps to address the human rights crisis, including by lifting restrictions of civic space and ending their crackdown on peaceful dissent.
Led by:
- Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression (AFTE)
- Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)
- Committee for Justice (CFJ)
- Egyptian Front for Human Rights (EFHR)
- Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR)
- EgyptWide for Human Rights
- El Nadeem Center Against Violence and Torture
- Refugees Platform in Egypt (RPE)
- Sinai Foundation for Human Rights
- The Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms (ECRF)
- The Freedom Initiative (FI)
- Egyptian Human Rights Forum

Ahead of COP27, 1400 groups, parliamentarians and individuals from over 80 countries urge Egypt to open civic space and release political prisoners
Ahead of COP27, 12 Egyptian human rights organizations launched a […]
- 10 Votes
- 350 Aotearoa
- 7 Directions of Service
- A Growing Culture
- A SEED Europe
- A Sud Ecologia e cooperazione
- AAA Accountancy UK
- Aain foundation
- AbibiNsroma Foundation ANF
- ACAT-France
- Access Now
- ActionAid International
- AFGE Local 704
- AGMA (Kenya)
- Aid/Watch
- Alton Climate Action & Network
- Amazon Watch
- American Civil Liberties Union
- Amigos de la Tierra Argentina
- Amigos de la Tierra España
- Ammu Fisal foundation
- Amnesty International
- ANKH association
- App Drivers & Couriers Union
- Arab Network for Knowledge about Human rights
- Arab Resource & Organizing Center (AROC)
- Arab States CSOs & Feminists Network
- Asia Pacific Network of Environment Defenders
- Association des jeunes pour le développement du Ouaddai
- Attac France
- Attac Maroc
- Avaaz
- Avli Initiative
- BankTrack
- Biofuelwatch
- BioTerra
- Bob Brown Foundation
- Both ENDS
- Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
- Calderdale Green New Deal
- CAN Europe
- CAN International
- CAN Latin America
- CAN Tanzania
- Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
- CAN-Japan
- Carbon Market Watch
- Carmelite NGO
- Center for Biological Diversity
- Center for Environmental Concerns – Philippines Inc.
- Center for International Environmental Law
- Center for International Policy
- Center for Reproductive Rights
- Centre for Citizens Conserving Environment & Management (CECIC)
- Centre for Environmental Justice/ Friends of the Earth Sri Lanka
- Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy
- Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales – CELS
- Charleston School of Law
- Child Rights International Network (CRIN)
- CineversityTV
- Climae Justice Committee Velp
- Climate & Sustainability
- Climate 2025
- Climate Action for Lifelong Learners (CALL)
- Climate Action Merri-bek
- Climate Action Network Arab World
- Climate Action Network Canada
- Climate Action Network France
- Climate Clock
- Climate Crisis Solutions
- Climate Generation
- Climate Justice Alliance
- Climate Justice Coalition – South Yorkshire
- Climate Nexus
- ClimateFast
- CNCD-11.11.11
- Coal Action Network Aotearoa
- Coalition Marocaine pour la Justice Climatique (CMJC)
- Colectivo VientoSur
- Collectif des femmes pour les droit de l’homme
- Collectif Sénégalais des Africaines pour la Promotion de l’Éducation Relative à l’Environnement ( COSAPERE)
- Commission on Environment and Climate Justice – International League of Peoples’ Struggle
- Congregation of the Mission
- Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience
- Corporate Accountability
- Corporate Europe Observatory
- Creative Carbon Scotland
- Cultural Survival
- Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul
- DC4HK (Washingtonians supporting Hong Kong)
- DefendDefenders (East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project)
- Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN)
- DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture
- Diverse Voices and Action (DIVA) for Equality
- Divest Strathclyde
- Donne in Nero
- EarthRights International
- Eastbourne Solidarity
- EcoEquity
- EcoGeneration
- Ecojustice Ireland
- Ecologistas en Acción
- Egyptian Americans For Justice
- El shehab for human rights
- Emonyo Yefwe International
- End Water Poverty
- Endorois Welfare Council
- Enough Scotland
- Environmental conflict mediation and Women Development
- Environmental Justice Foundation
- Equidad de Genero: Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia
- EuroMed Rights
- European Environmental Bureau
- Extinction Rebellion
- Extinction Rebellion Indonesia
- FARM (Femme en Action Rurale de Madagascar)
- Fastenaktion
- Federation of Young European Greens
- FFFAO – Angola
- FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights)
- Finnish Development NGOs – Fingo
- FoE Japan
- FOKUS – Forum for Women and Development
- Forum des Jeunes
- Fossil Fuel Free Tyne & Wear
- Franciscan Action Network
- Franciscans International
- Fridays For Future
- Fridays for Future Charlotte
- Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland
- Friends of the Earth Germany/ BUND
- Friends of the Earth International
- Friends of the Earth Ireland
- Friends of the Earth Liverpool
- Friends of the Earth Norway (Naturvernforbundet)
- Friends of the Earth Scotland
- Friends of the Earth U.S.
- G.R.A.M.E.D
- GAIA – Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives
- GalGael Trust
- Garden of Enough
- Gastivists Collective
- Gender Action for Peace and Security
- GenderCC-Women for Climate Justice e.V.
- Global Focus
- Global Justice Ecology Project
- Global Justice Now
- Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
- Green New Deal Rising
- GreenUR/FFF UR
- Gulf Centre for Human Rights
- Haiti Cholera Research Funding Foundation Inc.. USA HCRFF
- Hari Welfare Association
- Health of Mother Earth Foundation
- Heinrich Boell Foundation
- het Grote Midden Oosten Platform
- His Choice Ministries
- Human Rights and Environmental Development Agenda
- Human Rights Without Frontiers
- HuMENA for Human Rights and Civic Engagement
- Hungarian Civil Liberties Union
- ILPS Commission 10
- Indigenous Peoples’ Organisation-Australia
- Indus Climate Front
- Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary-Loreto Generalate
- international coalition for human rights in the Philippines
- International Commission of Jurists (ICJ)
- International Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self-Determination and Liberation (IPMSDL)
- International Peace Bureau
- International Presentation Association
- International Service for Human Rights (ISHR)
- International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA)
- Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL)
- Jahalin Solidarity
- Japan NGO Action Network for Civil Space (NANCiS)
- Jubilee Movement
- Justiça Ambiental (Friends of the Earth Mozambique)
- Justice House
- Kabataan para sa Tribung Pilipino (Katribu Youth)
- Kankomwila Foundation
- Karamoja Go Green
- Kentucky interfaith power and light
- Klima Action Malaysia (KAMY)
- Klimadelegation e.V.
- KTH Students for Sustainability
- Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation
- Lambeth Friends of the Earth
- Leicester Friends of the Earth
- Ligue pour la solidarité congolaise
- Liverpool City Region Climate Justice Coalition
- Liverpool Friends of the Earth
- Luonto-Liitto
- Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
- Media Alliance
- Merdeka West Papua Support Network
- Migrante International
- Migration Avant-Première
- Minority Rights Group International
- Mom Loves Taiwan Association
- Movement for Advancing Understanding of Sustainability And Mutuality MAUSAM
- Movement Training Network
- MY World Mexico
- NAJU (Youth Association for the Protection of Nature)
- Native Movement
- NC Climate Justice Collective
- Netherlands Centre for Indigenous Peoples
- Nordic Youth Biodiversity Network
- North African Network for Food Sovereignty
- North American Climate, Conservation and Environment(NACCE)
- North-East Affected Area Development Society (NEADS)
- Norwegian Forum for Development and Environment
- Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS)
- Observatoire régional de l’agriculture et du développement Casablanca Setat
- Observatório do Clima
- Observatory for the Protection of the Environment and Historical Monument
- Oil Change International
- Pakistan Maholiati Tahaffuz Movement
- Parents For Future Austria
- Parents For Future Global
- Parents for the Planet
- Passionists International
- Peace & Justice Team, All Souls NYC
- Penzance Amnesty Group
- People in Need
- Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania
- PLANT (Partners for the Land & Agricultural Needs of Traditional Peoples
- Plataforma Boliviana Frente al Cambio Climático
- Plateforme Tunisienne des Alternatives
- Power Shift Africa
- Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED)
- Project World Peace
- Protection International
- Protest Körpe
- Raggia Tarantina
- Reacción Climática
- Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary NGO
- RePlanet
- Reporters Without Borders
- RightsCable. Com
- Saharawi Active Youth
- San Luis Valley Ecosystem Council
- Sankalpa Darchula Nepal, South Asia
- Save the Yellowstone Grizzly
- Scientists for XR
- Service Civil International
- Sierra Leone School Green Club (SLSGC)
- Sisters of Charity Federation
- Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill
- Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill Generalate
- SOBREVIVENCIA, Amigos de la Tierra Paraguay
- Social Action International
- Social Economic Development Society [SEDS]
- Solidarity 2020 and Beyond
- Somali Youth Development Foundation (SYDF)
- South Durban Community Environmental Aliance
- Southern Anti-Racism Network
- Stay Grounded network
- Sudan Women Rights Action
- Sukaar Welfare Organization
- Sunflower Alliance
- Sustainable Development Foundation
- Sustainable Development Institute
- Survival Resistance in Muskogee Land
- Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression
- Swedwatch
- Technical University of Munich
- The Cordoba Foundation
- The Corner House
- The Greater Middle East Platform
- The Green Youth Movement (DGUB) (Denmark)
- The Greens Movement of Georgia/FoE Georgia
- The Lebanese Council to Resist Violence Against Woman LECORVAW
- The Legal Resources Centre
- The Movements Trust
- The Resilient40
- The SANE Collective
- The Sunrise Project
- The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP)
- Tipping Point UK
- Toronto350
- Transnational Institute
- Tulele Peisa Inc
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- Unis pour le climat
- Unis Pour Le Climat et la Biodiversité
- UNISC International
- UNISON Harrogate Local Government Branch
- Unitarian Universalist Justice Florida
- Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
- US Committee to End Political Repression in Egypt
- Value Life
- vegan4future e.V.
- Vikas Adhyayan Kendra
- War on Want
- Water Justice and Gender
- Water Witness International
- Women Engage for a Common Future
- Women for Green Economy Movement ugada
- World Accord
- World Friends for Africa Burkina Faso/ Membership Organiser at CAN West and Central Africa
- World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) in the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders
- Yellow House Records
- Yorkshire and the Humber Climate Justice Coalition
- Young Friends of the Earth Germany / BUNDjugend
- Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines
- Youth for Development and Human Rights Advancement
- Youth Sénégal climate change
- (Sharron) Colpitts-Elliott
- Aaron Davis
- Aaron Pereira
- Abd Elhamid Elsayed
- Abdallah Mahamadou
- Abdelrahman ElGendy
- Abdul Ghofar
- Abeer Tajuddin
- Abigail Parry
- abou ndiaye
- Adam Snape
- Adam Waters
- Adis Kovačević
- Adrian Diamond
- Adrian Tanner
- Afshi Mehrpouy
- Ahmad Gharbeia
- Ahmad Kanafani
- Ahmad Shabbar
- Ahmed Abdelfattah
- Ahmed Gamal Ziada
- Ahmed Mamdouh
- Ahmed Ezzat
- Ahti Tolvanen
- Aiman Asmadi
- Áine Kelly-Costello
- Alaa Soueif
- Alain Chaboud
- Alan Bentz-Letts
- Alan Hardy
- Alan Springer
- Albane de Rochebrune
- Aldo Riello
- Alessia Santoro
- Alex Ryan
- Alfonso López Borgoñoz
- Ali Abbas
- Ali Kniss
- Ali H. Alyami
- Ali Atef
- Alia Hammad
- Alicia Gómez
- Alina Kliaimenava
- alireza azizi
- Alison Geldart
- Alison Russell
- Alistair McKeown
- Allison Rensch
- Allison Woolverton
- Alysha Jurgeleit
- Alyson Lee
- Amanda Dudman
- Amanda Kendal
- Amberlie Robinson
- Amr Medhat
- Amy Harrison
- Ana Valadez Ortega
- Ana Vicente Moreno
- Andii Bowsher
- Andreas Moesch
- Andrej Jerman
- Andy Kadir-Buxton
- Anja Hazekamp
- Ann Newton-Marcial
- Ann Van Dyke
- Anna Lerjen
- Anna Taylor
- Annalise Peterson
- Anne and Neil Knott
- Anne Fagan
- Anne Laure Azéma
- Anne van Leeuwen
- annette gore
- Annette MELIS
- Anthony Goodchild
- Anthony Simmons
- Antonia Alampi
- Antonio Veloso
- Aoife Devaney
- Árni Finnsson
- Arturo Sanchez Garcia
- Aslam Alsbyhy
- Astrid Laich
- augustine Fayiah
- Aurelie Buytaert
- Aurelio Castro
- Axel Lubbe
- Bárbara Azaola Piazza
- Barbara Gribbon
- Barnaby Green
- Basila Maya
- Bassam Abdulhamid
- Bassirou Diarra
- Bed Awa-ao
- Beth Brunton
- Benedetta Veneroni
- Benjamin Buse
- benjamin Wigley
- benoît goldschmidt
- Bernard Barré
- Bernard Kamp
- Bert Giskes
- Beryl Taylor
- Beverley Binfield
- Beverly L. Longid
- Billon
- Bjørn Olav Utvik
- Blanc Gerard
- brendan sparks
- Brian Champ
- Brian Kern
- Brigitte Wilputte
- Bruce Mitchell
- Byron Smith
- Cait Murphy
- Caitlin Osfield
- Cally O’Neill
- Carla Sbert
- Carly Hilbert
- Carmen fulco
- Carol Broom
- Carolina Garrido
- Carolina Lebesmühlbacher
- Casey Lochead
- Cassandra Smithies
- Cassie Torn
- Cathy Chapman
- Catriona Bridget Shine
- Catriona Lawrie
- Celia Stubbs
- Céline Lebrun Shaath
- Cesar Bollecer Jr
- Chanchana
- Charles Keener
- Charlotte Borra
- Charlotte Bunch
- Charlotte Sheasby-Coleman
- Charlotte Valløe
- Cheryl Kift
- Cheryll Pitt
- Chinghiz Mamedov
- Chris Grgurovic
- Chris Purnell.
- Chris S
- Chris Vrettos
- Chris Preston
- Christa Salamandra
- Christiane Hildebrandt
- Christin El-kholy
- Christina Maria Cecilia M. Sayson
- Christine Bertlin
- Christine Caillaud
- Christine Cook
- Christine Hatfield
- christine ROUSSEAU
- Christine-Anne
- Christopher Price
- Chrystelle Henry
- Claire Mason
- Claire O’Manique
- Claire Regan
- Clara Cordero
- Clarrie Higham
- Claudia Hottmann
- Claudio D’Alba
- Colleen du Toit
- Conal Ruddy
- corinna baudisch
- Curtis Doebbler
- Dalia Hussein
- Dan Grieve
- Dan Landgré
- Daniel Haviar
- Daniel Leclerc
- Daphne Wysham
- Darren Grafius
- Dave Bowen
- David Ashton
- David Jesero
- David Johnson
- David K
- David Pinto
- David Robertson
- David shamala
- David Southcombe
- Dawn Broadbent
- Dayoon Kim
- Debora Singer
- Deborah Erwin
- Dee Morgan
- Delfina Lopez Suriano
- Deniz Baran
- Dhanya Herath
- Diaa El-Masry
- Diane Bisset
- Dianne Varga
- Dib Hadra
- Didier Occhipinti
- Diego Amartino
- Dimitar Dolnooryahov
- Dipti Bhatnagar
- Divyanshi Yadav
- Dominica Lo Bianco
- Dominique Fournier
- Don Stribling
- Donald Adams
- dorothy courtney
- Doug Seidman
- Douglas Nilsson
- Dr Oye Ideki
- E J Brittin
- Edmund Keilthy
- edward francis
- Egi Primayogha
- Eileen Becker
- Ekaterina Potapova
- Elena Cal
- elisa cappy
- Elizabeth Wilkening
- Elizabeth Cornish
- Elizabeth Knight
- Elle Glenny
- Ellen Sansone
- Elondra Eichenberger
- Elsa Kivinen
- Eman Hassan Seliem
- Emma Smart
- Emmanuel Bozzia
- Enrico De Angelis
- Eric Bourgouin
- Eric Buhle
- Eric Miller
- Erik Paul Kooijmans
- Esha Shah
- Esraa Gibreen
- Ester Barel
- Eunsook Kang
- Eva Posch
- Evelyn McGregor
- Ewen Forget
- Fabia Hultin Morger
- Fabio Bonomo
- Fabiola Santana
- Fabricio Villanueva
- Fatma Fetaih
- Felisha Buchinger
- Ferdinand HAKIZÎMANA
- Fiona Montgomery
- Flavien Ancely-Frey
- Fozia Khanam
- Fran Rawsthorne
- Fran Wilde
- Francesca Biancani
- Francesco Correale
- Francisco Martins
- Franco Vivaldi
- François Dubreuil
- Frankie Desmond
- Fraser Harrison
- Frey Turner
- G. Andrea Teti
- Gabi Helfert
- Gabriel Wer
- Gabriele Köhler
- Geoff Allan
- Geoff Parry
- Geoffrey Mock
- george kean
- Georgiana Ardelean
- gerhard kutsch
- Gerrit Stegehuis
- Gert Ilhage
- Gianpaolo Boldrini
- Gideon Berry
- Gine Zwart
- Giordano Cioni
- Giorgia Scalmani
- Glenn Aldred
- Grace Treffinger
- Graham Bisset
- greta thunberg
- Guenther Schneider
- Guillemot Line
- Gwyneth Jones
- Hannah Godfrey
- hany massoud
- Haruki Sasamoto
- Hassiba MULLER
- Heba Fouad
- Heba Metwally
- Helen A
- Helen Banks
- Helen Burnett
- Helen Carter
- Helen Cook
- Helen Hills
- Helen Locke
- Helen Woolston
- Hendrik Voss
- Henk Piening
- Henrietta Tye
- Hicham Hakimi
- Hisham Kassem
- Hissah Alsaffar
- Hossam Fares
- Huda Ghaibeh
- Hugo Alan
- Hyder Ali Pirwany
- Iain McDonald
- Ian Hewitt
- Ian Hobson
- Ida Hosni
- Idoia Villanueva Ruiz
- Ilaria Lupo
- ilham rawoot
- Imogen Bunting
- India Silvani-Jones
- Ines Bakhtaoui
- irene delfanti
- Irene Hopper
- Isabel Oliveira
- Isabelle Sain
- Isadora Cardoso
- Iska Knuuttila
- Isla Smith
- Ivan Hortal Sánchez
- J. V.
- Jacinta McDonnell
- Jackie PETIT
- Jacques Moulin
- Jake Dale
- James Crary
- James McTaggart
- James Mulcare
- Jan Allison
- Jan Sewell
- Jan Snauwaert
- Jan Vonberg
- Janine Bowman
- Janne Marko
- Jasmina Metwaly
- Jason Hunter
- Jean Bousquet
- Jeannie Sowers
- Jeffrey Spencer
- Jen Laws
- Jennifer Carpenter
- Jennifer Cooper
- Jenny Brabazon
- Jenny Sahng
- Jenny Tallberg
- Jens Krabbe
- Jens Lerche
- Jeremy Adeba
- Jesse Scharf
- Jessica Besch
- Jessie Gibbs
- Jim Divers
- Joanna Jellinek
- Joanna Jurdi
- João Duccini
- João Forte
- Joe Guzman
- Joe Vipond
- Johanna EIkenbusch
- John Chalcraft
- John Cooper
- John Kerr
- John McGann
- John Schaefer
- John Simister
- Johnny Badr
- Johsan Billingham
- Jonathan Löwer
- Jörg Heuer
- Jorge Martínez
- José Gusmão
- Joseph Ford
- Josh Bernstein
- Josh Hughes
- Joshua Cooper
- Jovelyn Cleofe
- Joy Kennedy
- Judith Russenberger
- Judy Njenga
- Julek Meissner
- Julia Horn
- Julia Moyse
- Julian Hirschmann
- Juliane Theullier
- Julie Bermond
- Juliet Robertstone
- Junghee Min
- Justin Kiersky
- Karen Bearden
- karim Aref
- karin burn
- Kate Cragg
- Kate Macleod
- Kate Prasher
- Kath Shakespeare
- Katharine Krauss
- Katherine Linsley
- Kathleen Hendry
- Kathleen Onori
- Kathy Bradley
- Kathy Grant
- Katie Mattera
- Katja Voigt
- Keane Gleeson
- Keiko Greenberg
- Kelly Baldwin
- Ken Canty
- Kenji Miyajima
- Kershni Ramreddi
- Kerstin Doerenbruch
- Kevin Zickterman
- khaled el-ashram
- Khaled Khedr
- Khaled Fahmy
- kirsty heron
- Klaus Riede
- Komla Bassah
- Krishnakant Chauhan
- Krzysztof Jurdzinski
- Kuat Abeshev
- Laila Elmoataz
- Laila Khan
- Lane Smith
- Lara Taylor
- Laura Auld
- Laura Manston
- Laura Vallaro
- Lauren Munn
- Laurie Toner
- Lawrence Moss
- LEGAST Fabien
- Leni Mensinga
- Lenka Hélová
- Lennart Strohschein
- Lesley Gordon
- Leslie Engel
- Leslie Piquemal
- Liina Mustonen
- Lilian Vorbrüggen
- Liliana Demartini
- Lin Patterson
- Lisa Adamson
- Lisa Atkinson
- Lisa Bloss
- Lisa Maracani
- Lobna Abdella
- Lorena Cotza
- Louise McIntosh
- Louise Ulrich
- Lucas Sola
- Lucy Radford
- Luis Von Randow
- Luisa Neubauer
- Luke Tracey
- Lydia Darby
- Maanvinder Pilania
- Machiko Nissanke
- Maggie Cowling
- Maggie Vicuna
- mahmoud nagy
- Mairead Birrell
- Mamadou SYLLA
- Mamta Lukram
- Manar Hassan
- Manar Abdelaziz
- Manuel Basualdo
- Manuel Leick-Jonard
- Manya Ghahremani
- Marco Mazzotti
- Margaret Clare McKay
- Margaret Loyon
- Margaret Moore
- Margret Piette
- Maria Manidaki
- Maria Neckam
- Maria Paula Nascimento
- Marianne Demmo
- Mariavittoria Maggi
- Marie Avart
- Marie Lecocq
- Marilyn Jarrett
- Mario Caffera
- Marisa Santos
- Marjorie Finlay
- Mark Cummings
- Mark Doran
- Mark Grossman
- Mark Haltmeier
- Marla King
- Martin Avramov
- Martin Gem
- Martin Lynch
- martin mantxo
- Martin Mavenjina
- Martin Reck
- Martin Shaw
- Martin Vilela
- Martine MICHARD
- Mary Ann Schmieding
- Mary Church
- Mary Clayton
- Mary Martin
- Mary Sansom
- Mary Miller
- masanori watanabe
- Mashi Noguchi
- Mathilde Didio
- Mats Arnesson
- Matthew Baird
- Matthew Lumley
- Matthew Murrey
- Matthew Crighton
- Matthieu Brillet
- Max Leo
- Mazen Elsayed
- Mc Ruiz de Elvira
- Meera Ghani
- Melanie Bardowa
- Melissa Buckwell
- Melissa Kowara
- Melony
- Mia Bradić
- Michael Barkley
- Michael Berliner
- Michael Ineichen
- Michael Letwin
- Michael Lomotey
- Michael Munson
- Michael Shaw
- Michael Taylor
- Michel Vanhoorne
- Michelle Mielly
- Michelle Stafford
- Mick Miles
- Mike Brady
- Miles Berkley
- Miles Gillham
- Minke van Oeffelt
- Mireia Carbonell
- Miriam Karmali
- Miriam Kronenberg
- Miriam Scharf
- mohamed abbas
- Mohamed Abdelsatar
- Mohamed Albagoury
- Mohamed Ali
- Mohamed Gad
- Mohamed Mohamed
- Mohamed Monsf
- Mohamed Yussuf
- Mohamed Mokhtar
- Mohammad Haque
- Monica Bolton
- Monica Verbeek
- Moro G
- Mostafa Halawa
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- +254 publicly anonymous