Anas El Beltagy
Student at Ain Shams University, Son of Opposition Leader.
Arrest: On December 31, 2013, security forces arrested then 20-year-old Anas at the home of one of his friends in Nasr City. During the arrest, the security officers did not know Anas’s identity. However, at the police station, the investigating officer asked to see his ID card and, upon realizing who he was, refused to release him.
Violations: Deprivation of Liberty
Case/cases info
- Charges: The Egyptian government has brought six cases against Anas. He was acquitted in four of them, but he was convicted in one, without even being notified of his inclusion in the case. Throughout his detention he has been repeatedly rotated through cases and held in pretrial detention.
Anas remained at Nasr City Police Station before being transferred first to Abu Zaabal Prison and then to Tora Prison
A week prior to his arrest Anas El Beltagy was detained at Tora prison when he and his mother had come to visit his father, Dr. Mohamed El-Beltagy and were assaulted by prison authorities. They were both released 20 hours later.
Throughout his detention Anas has repeatedly been forcibly disappeared for extended periods of time.
Anas’s sister, the 17-year-old Asmaa, was killed in the Rabaa massacre on August 14, 2013, a few months before he was arrested.
Detention conditions
Anas has reportedly been held in inhumane conditions, causing his health to deteriorate significantly while simultaneously being refused medical care. He has been deprived of family visitations and contact with lawyers. He was also denied the ability to complete his education.